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Sunday 12 October 2014


Photo Courtesy: Salem_beliegraphy


By: Lubnah Abdulhalim

At one point of our lives we must go through pain, betrayal, heartbreaks, or any other kind of suffering. That is life and without all these problems that we go through, we could as well be in heaven straight away. These problems are what can change a personality forever. Could be for the better or for the worse. Most of the times though, people tend to get so bitter on what has befallen them and decide to follow the dark path of revenge which brings us to the question, is a crime justified by another??

Taking a scenario of a lady who was raped and contracted AIDS. The lady thereby decides to seduce all men coming to her way so that she can spread the disease to others with the lame and selfish thinking of 'I shouldn't die alone.' No, it is never justified. No humanity law will ever justify your action. A crime remains a crime whatever the case and a sin remains to be a sin whatever the situation.

Human beings should stop making each other victims of their lust, greed and selfishness just because they have been in a hard situation. Who in this world has never been in a hard situation? Who in this universe has never tested pain? No one. Not even the queen of England or the Sultan of Oman. Not the pauper nor the begger. For sure when we were told 'an eye for an eye' it never meant you go poking everyone's eye you meet on the way just because someone poked yours. It is not acceptable to be ruthless on others for something they have no connection to.

Many a times we have seen people who get horribly heart broken by their loved ones ache and mourn for so long about their pain to the extent of becoming so cold hearted and heartless. Their lives may never become the same and they tend to become so rough to the people who come into their lives afterwards.  But why should it be so? Why should it be that it is always the next person that has to pay the consequences done by someone else? Why are the undeserving ones that always fall to become the victims of someone's anger and frustration?

We all feel pain and not just feeling it, we live with it. It sometimes becomes part of us. We understand you are hurt. We understand that your life may never be the same again. We understand your suffering and aching. We do. But no one will ever understand why you have to pay it forward to the next person in such a ruthless and heartless way. No one will justify your actions, because you are never justified. Because a crime remains a crime and one crime doesn't make another be alright.

Monday 6 October 2014


Photo Courtesy : Salem_Beliegraphy
By Lubnah Abdulhalim

One year ago, my aunt was critically ill with diabetics and her leg had been mutilated thrice.Every evening on the end of my classes I wo
uld go to the hospital to check on her condition. She was my mentor and the only other person who deserved the name 'mum' rather my real mum. So on one particular evening, my mum called me to rush to the hospital and check on my aunt.  I was so tired just from class and didn't want to meet that familiar hospital smells and cries that would always depress me. I refused to go but mum insisted that I should go. Dragging my feet, I got there and saw the critical condition of my aunt that she wouldn't answer back when we talked to her. She was writhing in deep pain and I watched her helplessly.  All I could do was hold her hand and silently pray. That was the last night I ever saw her for early the next morning she passed on. To date, I say to myself, if I didn't go to see her on that night, then I would have hated myself all my life. Not because I would have changed anything but because it is those last moments beside her that really ever mattered.

Many a times we take what comes on our way for granted and always think that there are yet otherr chances to come. Like how we get a job opportunity not paying much but worth the take but let our arrogance take control over us. We would rather sit lazily around than take the little that we get. The worst part of it all is when you come to realization that you made a mistake and regret but life never offers you such a chance ever again.

How many times do we annoy our parents and bring them nothing but sadness, how many times we break the only true people who ever loved us, how many times do we postpone meetings and appointments, how many of brilliant opportunities did we have and yet wasted them?

Life sometimes may offer you another chance if you are lucky enough. Maybe you wasted your teen life in drugs and illegalities but then your star starts shining on you and you get counselled and rehabilitated and you get a new start for your life and be happy again but not everything in life is the same. Some things are not meant to return or be re-lived. It could be that that particular day that you decide to stomp out of the house while yelling at your mum could be the last time you ever see her.

Beware of people's anger on you, you may never have the chance to apologize. Beware of not caring on what you do, there will always be a time whereby your actions will backfire on you. Beware of not showing your loved ones how much they mean to you, you may never get the chance to ever do so again. Beware of ignoring meetings or appointments, that friend of yours who is about to travel may just die on his way back. Beware of postponing what you can do today to tomorrow. Beware of all the things you take for granted. Beware before you become regrettably aware. ..