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Wednesday 31 December 2014


Know Thyself (Guest post)

By Imran Abdallah Said

"What’s in a name?

That which we call a rose

By any other name would

Smell as sweet."

-William Shakespeare

 In my quest to find the meaning of the name given to my hometown, I stumbled upon a rather funny story. It must have been my granny who told it to me. She said long ago, when the ‘wazungus’ arrived in our country, they sought the name of their new settlement from the locals. For some odd reason, they didn’t just go ahead and decide to name it after one of their kings or queens like they always do.

 Anyway, for obvious reasons, inter-cultural communication during the Middle Ages presented a major challenge to all citizens of the world as there was considerably less contact between people from different continents back then. So, as the story goes, the locals resorted to asking this honest question, and I quote: “Mwambaze?” Which translates to “What are you saying?” in one of the Mijikenda dialects.

So the visitors clung to the first word they heard, maybe they really believed that the locals had understood their question or they simply found the name catchy, who knows? What matters is that the name stuck and as it was passed on from one accent-heavy tongue to the next, it evolved over the centuries into the name we’ve all come to adore: “Mombasa”.

 Soon this got me thinking, what is the story behind the names of other places, or even people? In spirit of the Greek aphorism “Know Thyself”, I set off to find the essence of my own name first, hoping there might be a glamorous story behind its origins too. It means “one with long life and abundant wisdom” by the way, thanks very much for asking. Note that ‘abundant wisdom’ is the key phrase here.

 The history of names in general is quite obscure so its origin is not really easy to pinpoint. For the religious among us, it is likely very easy to describe the origin of all names. As with all things it must be tied to the story of the creation of the entire universe, when all things were named by God and then taught to Adam, Adam being the first name ever given to a human, end of the story.

For the not-so-religious, the origin is yet to be discovered conclusively. Historians however place the earliest instance of using names between 6600 to 6200BC when the Chinese used an intricate system of symbols on their pottery to mark ownership. The symbols, called Jiahu Symbols, were not really part of any particular language, just personalized symbols to distinguish your property from your neighbour’s, like a family crest, you see? It turns out the earliest name ever recorded was Gal-Sal (3200-3100 BC), which belonged to a slaver (not such happy origins after all).

 Earlier names seemed to have a descriptive meaning behind them, like Neithhotep (“Neith is satisfied”) the first ever recorded name for a woman according to historians. Such names still exist among many communities the world over, most notably the Native Indians of America who can boast such names as Mikasi(“White Moon”) and Miwok(“Bear walking into Shade”) or less honourable names like Eskaminzim (“Big Mouth”) or Arapoosh (“Stomach Ache”).

 You might be curious about your name too, maybe you should ask your parents and if they can’t tell you maybe you should kick their butt proper. What if your name means something horrible and they just blindly tagged it to you? But please don’t; there is a better alternative. The internet is filled with seemingly infinite resources on origins and meaning of names. Look yours up. Who knows your name might be synonymous to “headache” which might give insight to how you were such a bully at the hospital nursery when you were born. Or you might have one of those “Awww, mum and dad, you guys are awesome” moment when you realize your name means “Child who will conquer the world with his golden heart.” Or something of that sort.

 Right then, thank you for taking your time to read this. I hope you enjoyed it, I certainly enjoyed doing the research.  Bye bye.

Monday 29 December 2014



By:Lubnah Abdulhalim

Photo Courtesy:
Many a times we are caught up in the storm of life and we get so much drenched by the fierce winds and the drizzling rain. We become depressed and feel lonely. Many a times we make sacrifices, we care for the wrong people, we belittle ourselves, we love other people and make them a priority more than ourselves and eventually forget our own existence; our own soul that needs to be fed with esteem, self realization and love.

What keeps pulling us behind is the fact that we keep extending our hearts to love someone else more than ourselves. What could be more important than yourself? Isnt it time to give yourself a lifetime treat; time by yourself,  time to explore your mind and soul and your imagination. Time to discover yourself, to know what happiness really means to you, time to have a definite focus in life.

A really interesting programme  of cheerful and constructive thinking by the late Sibyl F. Partridge-as it appears in Dale Carnegie's 'How To Stop Worrying and Start Living' is called 'Just For Today' and it goes as follows:

1. Just for today I will be happy. As Abraham Lincoln said 'most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.' Happiness is from within; it is not a matter of externals.

2. Just for today I will try to adjust myself to what is and not try to adjust everything to my own desires.

3. Just for today I will take care of my body. I will exercise it, care for it, nourish it, not abuse it nor neglect it so that it will be a perfect machine for my bidding.

4. Just for today I will try to strengthen my mind. I will learn something useful. I will not be a mental loafer. I will read something that requires effort, thought and concentration.

5. Just for today I will exercise my soul in three ways. I will do somebody a good turn and not get found out. I will do at least two things I don't want to do-just for exercise.

6. Just for today I will be agreeable. I will look as well as I can, dress as becomingly as possible, talk low, act courteously, be liberal with praise, criticise not at all, nor find fault with anything and not try to regulate nor improve anyone.

7. Just for today I will live through this day only not to tackle my whole life problem at once. I can do things dor twelve hours that would appall me if I had to keep them up for a lifetime.

8. Just for today I will have a programme. I will write down what I expect to do every hour. I may not follow it exactly but I will have it. It will eliminate two pests; hurry and indecision.

9. Just for today I will have a quiet half hour all by myself and relax. In this half hour sometimes I will think of God so as to get a little more perspective into my life.

10. Just for today I will be unafraid especially I will not be afraid to be happy, to enjoy what is beautiful, to love and to believe that those I love, love me.

To add one more important point is to make a healthy decision; Decide to yourself that just for today I am going to love me more than anything else in the world. Just for today I will not worry about my past or get anxious over the future. Just for today I will appreciate all the good memories and hard learnt lessons. Just for today I am going to ME.

So just for today, wear the biggest smile on your face irregardless of all your troubles and miseries. Just for today smile to your enemy, smile to your neighbour, smile to the kid playing across the street.  Just for today, have time by yourself. Put off your phone, go to a quiet place; could be the beach or holy place of worship, take a walk or rather go for a jog. Go for window shopping, treat yourself with an ice cream even if its your last coin; remember you deserve it. Try something new; something you have never done before, develop new hobbies, make the best use of your today and never worry of the morrow, drop a coin or two to the beggar you meet on the way and most importantly,  have time to thank God for all that you have. And always remember that self appreciation comes before anything or anyone else. So just for today, stand by the mirror and look at yourself and say loudly 'Just for today I will love JUST me and I very well know that when tomorrow comes I will have a brand new 'today' to love none more than myself!'

Thursday 4 December 2014



By Lubnah Abdulhalim

There comes a time where maturity isn't an option but a necessity in life. Maturity doesn't necessarily mean you have to act like an old chap still living in the 19th century. It just means having a focus, acting smart and knowing what you really want or expect in life. Being matured means accepting oneself, accepting your social class, your problems, accepting your parents for what they are or who they are.

Maturity goes hand in hand with wisdom, courage, self esteem and determination. It is the ability to face challenges with open mindedness and bravery. It is the one thing that even adults do lack sometimes while some never depart their immaturity even when they have wrinkles all over their body.

If you are still ashamed to say that your mother sells vegetables at the market, if you keep acting like from a higher social class than you really are, if you keep running about discussing people or if you are driven by peer pressure then you are not really matured; sorry to say.

But this is actually what causes most teenagers and young adults to fall into depression; immaturity. Being a teenager comes with a lot of pressure from the friends we have, the people around us, the environment we live in and much of so. You probably have met a young adult hanging out with rich friends, skiving classes, going to party while the mother or father is at an office somewhere seated for more than three hours waiting to meet a person to ask for assistance so they can pay their kid's fees. THAT is immaturity.

You have probably also met a young adult, who can be someone's father any time soon, still under the influence of friends. I've never understood, why is it so difficult for people to say no? Why can't we just have our own principles and be firm at that? Why do you have to start smoking because all your friends do? Or why do you have to have the latest designer perfumes just because all our friends have them? There was no rule that ever said that you have to do what people around you do or must have what your friends have. Maturity is the ability to be proud of who you are, where you come from and being content with that. Maturity is the ability to overcome influences and stand firm by your principles and beliefs. If a rich friend can buy all those good stuff then let them buy but before you go stressing your mum about buying the same things think about how much she is struggling for your sake. Maturity is buying what you need not what you want.

There is always a limit to everything and it is for you to show to the people around you that you have set limits to everything. Dont let people cross your line. Let them know there is time for everything; time to read, time to have fun, time to worship, time for friends and even time for family. Let them know you are brought up with the right principles. Till when will you let friends use you? Until when will you entertain people not worthy in your life? Until when will you keep pleasing people? Until when are you going to ignore your real life status? Until when are you going to ignore the struggles your parents go through for your sake? Until when...until when will you be immature? When are you planning to grow up??