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Saturday 18 January 2020


This article (edited version) was first published on 'Travel Log Magazine', an insert of Standard Newspaper on 9/1/2020

When you travel out of your country, for whatever reason, there will always be expectations imposed on you. Nothing will be said to you directly nor is there an old, smelly manuscript by the ancestors stating what is exactly expected of you. However, they still exist. And the moment you just step down from the airplane, your entire community awaits you.

1. Suddenly, you have become the elite of the community and being elite, comes with a price.

It doesn't matter whether you went out of the country for studies or business or short holiday or especially when you currently live there, you are a different person of a different status now. And status comes with expectations; 'when will you build your parents a kahouse at the farm at least they enjoy their old age?' 'Your uncle has been very ill. You should chip in in his medical bill.' 'Are you going to sponsor one of your siblings' education now that you live in Australia?'
Now, no one really knows what you are doing there; the struggle, the high cost of living or even your earnings, but apparently, being out there somehow makes you wealthy. It could be so but perhaps not. Who cares to ask anyway?!

2. Your entire extended family and community that sometimes don't even recognize you, expect gifts.

A few weeks or even months before your awaited arrival, the requests start coming in from your aunty who doesn't really like you, your old friends you haven't talked to in a year, your ex-neighbor who once did you a favor decades name it. Someone wants that designer perfume that isn't available in Kenya, another wants a blow dryer they saw on TV, another wants a kasmall laptop tu. 
All this while, no one asks you whether you can afford it or not. Whether you have the ability to get the item or whether it will inconvenience you. Si uko ulaya? Haya! Deal with it!

3. Somehow, sometimes, a change of accent is considered betrayal of sorts.

'So you went to live with the wazungus so now you know better eh? You can't even speak like us anymore!'
Somehow, maintaining your accent equals to honouring your roots. So doing the opposite get people to gossip how your foreign accent is 'pretential' and 'forced' even though at their own seclusion, in front of their mirror, they try to imitate 'your enhanced accent' wishing they were you.

4. You MUST have adopted some of their mannerisms isn't it?!

Queer questions will start streaming in, 'I hear that there is an indigenous community there that eat crows, did you try it out too?' 'I heard that in their culture, they believe in unicorns, do you think they really exist?' 'There is a new Korean series, did you watch it while there?'
I mean, there MUST be something new you picked from them right?!

5. Come cook us a Turkish meal.

You've been in Turkey for how long again? 2 years?! You should prepare us a Turkish cuisine! I mean isn't that the first thing after language that people learn in a new country?!

6. My friend, if your grandfather, your parent or any other individual was supporting you financially before, your travelling/living abroad cancels that automatically. 

You are now expected to act like a fully independent and a grown up finally! Your problems no longer exist and someone else definitely deserves the finances. I mean, who lives in Canada while being poor?! (even if you went to work there as a home care taker). You can never be broke. You can be broquè though; the elite, classic kind of lacking money. (It should be added on Modern dictionary!)

7. In fact, you are the loan guy now. You are the first person everyone thinks of when they are in trouble

The first person your reckless cousin calls when caught by the police for over-speeding. The first person to call when someone gets admitted to school. The first person invited to a baby shower or wedding. You are expected to act like a malfunctioning ATM machine.

The expectations come in different shapes and forms but the bottom line is this: for you to be respected, some of these expectations must be fulfilled. Once you gain the respect, no doubt, the entire community will be fond of you. Upon your arrival back home, you will be invited everywhere and be over-fed until you can barely walk on your two feet. You will be treated like a dignified individual even with people who never cared about you prior your ‘life-changing journey’. They will ask you for advice on the new business they want to start or anything else that you entirely have no idea about.

You will be forgiven for your otherwise unacceptable behavior. They will cut you some slack when you confront your elder with a rude tone, something that would otherwise have caused a hefty slap on your face. They will say things like, ‘He has been away for so long, the culture is different there’ and follow it with a moment of painful silence. Your younger cousins will call that privilege. The ones older than you will call it misuse of privilege.

When you are away, people will make video calls. The children will proudly tell their friends at school, 'I have an aunty in London. Aha!' That statement will be used as a means to gain friends, appear more likeable, bully other kids or threaten them. Family gatherings will be incomplete without you.

The chief of the mtaa will refer to you in the baraza meetings. Your mother will never refer to you by your name but instead say, 'Si you know my eldest son? The one in Qatar, working as a manager?'

You are the pride of the community. Don't let them down. Don't forget your roots huh!

Saturday 4 January 2020


The year is twenny twenny (2020) and twirra (twitter) is on fire. The trending hashtags are #worldwarIII #Soleimani #AustraliaonFire #Iran #Iraq #USA. The memes are hilariously alarming. We are still talking about Trump's impeachment. The concentration camps and Islamophobic, ethnic cleansing of Muslims in China and India. The attacks in Somalia. The trending Netflix series is YOU and Messiah. It is just the fourth day of the new decade, and you already know it. WE.ARE.MESSED.UP.

Now for you, you couldn't be less bothered. You stand in front of the mirror in your polka-dot pink pajama. It is barely 7 a.m. But who cares? You need to post a video of your self-affirmations on Instagram.

You straighten up your long black hair and push it away from your face.

"I am strong. I am kind. I am honest. I am happy. I am fierce. I am beautiful. I am confident. I am outstanding..." Suddenly you remember, "I forgot to take my morning photo." The morning photo you were to take to out-do Nora, your old workmate who now works across the globe from you. Nonetheless, who cares where she lives now? How dare she get more likes and comments than you? You can never allow that to happen. You, you are the epitome of beauty and every one should recognize that.

You pause your video. You move towards the balcony, make sure that the sunrise is dramatically appearing in your photo. Oh wait. Your favourite cup of coffee must appear too. You quickly peep in your mirror to ensure that no perks of dirt are still on your eyes. Liiighhht make-up. Okay perfect. Snap, snap, snap, snap, snap again. Perfect. Perfect image. Perfect sunrise. Perfect hair. Perfect skin. You post it on your Instagram with the hashtag 'I woke up like this.'

You finish your self-affirmations video. Post it with the hashtag #selflove as you keenly wait for the likes notification to start ringing. Do you really need those affirmations though? I mean, aint you the very perfect? Charming? Powerful? Most successful? But maybe you do need them after all. Perhaps your deep inner child recognizes your starvation of love.

You scroll through your instagram, rolling your eyes at everyone's new year resolutions. They are mediocre people aren't they? Mediocre people = mediocre goals. But you, YOU are special. You hang around with the bigwigs. You make people laugh. Your confidence makes these tiny little brains come running to you; wagging their tails. You are powerful. You are something else.

You come across Lydia's end of year post. She has lost 10 kilograms in a span of two months. She is grateful. She looks graceful. You roll your eyes again. "Whom are you lying to Lydia? Isn't this the third time in five years that you have lost 10 kgs? So what now? You think you will make it this year just because it is friggin 2020?" You type like a maniac. You're just about to post it. Then you remember. You have an identity to keep up. It took you years to build this persona that everyone loves and 'worships'. You quickly delete and write instead, "Aww. I am so proud of you honey. I personally know how far you have come. 2020 is definitely going to be a better year for you. Count on me to always support you. xoxo."

You scroll on. There is Aisha. She became a neurosurgeon this year. Her million dollar smile irks you. She is perfect. More perfect than you. Stable career. Stable marriage. She even has a child already! Urgh! It infuriates you that Aisha does not take notice of YOU. How can she ignore you while you went to the same university, same batch?! Well apart from the fact that you mostly made her heart a meal for your ego, why would she ignore YOU? You are thee queen. The goddess. Aisha is lost. She doesn't know what she is doing and you know it, she will definitely regret it someday. She will realize your worth and come back begging for your 'golden' (mostly one-sided) friendship.

Tim on the other hand is posting a post at 2 a.m. Is he for real? What's worse he is talking about his journey from being homeless to moving to a bedsitter. His 2020 goal? To have his own one bedroom house? Ati Big dreams, baby steps. "SMH. I DON'T RELATE"

Your timeline is filled with ladies and gentlemen flexing their summer and new year outfits. You roll your eyes again. Way, WAY below your standards. What are they flexing about anyway? Cheap clothes bought on December sale?

You are petty and you know it. So you quickly type onto your Instagram story 'Some of you are poor and it shows.' Followed by hysterical posts of 'Some of you don't know jokes. I was joking.' Were you though? Do you really believe you were?

Anyways, who cares? Lydia, Aisha, Nora, Tim...all so mediocre. You take a killer photo, all dressed up. Your face is lit. You ARE lit. You write your story. Your very powerful, moving story of success and pure talent. How you overcame mountains. How NO ONE could ever understand what you went through. It is captivating. Almost a tear-jerker. Almost, because there is someone who actually sees you through the facade you keep.

Your post is soon filled with emotional, supportive comments from your 10k followers. Then you see it. That one, unexpected comment. That comment you'd rather never see. "Hi there. It's been a long time coming. I am glad to know you're doing well." There is a smiling emoji after the statement. That suspicious, enigmatic half-smile emoji that you never really know what to make of it.

You shudder. You read the name again. It is him. Him, who once meant everything to you then in a blink, took it all away. It all comes back to you. That intense, otherwise crazy relationship, that broke you down to shatters. The arrogance. The vanity. The superiority complex. You two, you were/are so much alike, you did not even understand the magnitude of the toxicity. Call it soul mates. Call it finding-your-match. Only, he defeated you. And that is something you will never get past. The defeat.

His simple comment crushes you. Because you know it. He knows it.

Someone actually recognizes you for who you truly are.

Hey there narcissist. You met your match. Again.