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Tuesday 21 June 2016


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What are we without the ties that we have? What is to become of us without the people in our lives?

Week 2 challenge was to thank Allah for the ties that we have in our lives.

DAY 8: My mother is a super woman. It doesn't matter i you believe it or not, but she is the most admirable being I ever saw, met or even heard of. She is my mother. And what more reason do I need to love her? Alhamdulilah for a creative mother; an intelligent mother, a wonderful, caring, most loving woman in the world. Her sacrifices for me and her family is beyond. Alhamdulilah for a mother that truly deserves the title of a mother.

DAY 9: Alhamdulilah for a father who loves his children sincerely. For a dad who teaches his children matters of deen. For a father who leads his children in prayer. For a father who has shown the best example by being attached to the book of Allah. Alhamdulilah for such a great great blessing. Alhamdulilah for my hero.

DAY 10: Alhamdulilah for my whole family. For having a family. Alhamdulilah for my siblings that I live with. For my sisters and brothers. For the cute children. For my cousins. For my aunties and uncles. For my dearest nephew.  Alhamdulilah for siblings who are more knowledgeble. Those who teach me something new everyday. Alhamdulilah for siblings that I would never wish for others. Alhamdulilah for a large family. For the wonderful loving bond between us.
Alhamdulilah because I very well know that there are so many people out there who are homeless and without their families. It is a blessing.

DAY 11: Alhamdulilah for my other siblings and their families in Yemen. Alhamdulilah that despite the war Allah has enabled us to keep communication.  Alhamdulilah that He has protected them for us. Alhamdulilah that despite not meeting in almost 20 years; despite the gap of time and distance, we still have hope to have our family re-united once again in shaa Allah.

DAY 12: Alhamdulilah for strangers who value me. Those who regard me as their mentor. Strangers who keep binding our ties. Strangers who keep reading my humble work and supporting me always. Strangers who keep believing in me more than I ever did. Alhamdulilah for such lovely people in my life.

DAY 13: ALhamdulilah for my small circle of lifetime friends. For friends who are sisters too. Alhamdulilah for friends who remind me of Allah. For friends who are always by my side through thick and thin. For friends who correct me when I go wrong. Who are honest with me. Who are loyal to me. Friends who support me and give me a shoulder when I need one. Those who give me a helping hand whenever. Friends who love me for the sake of Allah. Alhamdulilah for real friends.

DAY 14: They say everyone comes into your life for a reason. I look at my best friend and I just know she is God-sent. Alhamdulilah for her existance in my life. Alhamdulilah for a friend truer than the truth itself. Alhamdulilah for a very patient, very understanding, very honest, very supportive best friend. She is the best gift of my life after my family and I don't know how I would survive in such a cold world without her shoulder and helping hand always. And all this is because Allah blessed me with her. So yes, alhamdulilah thumma alhamdulilah for my best friend.

My family, my friends are my world and I would be empty without them. So alhamdulilahi kathira for them. Alhamdulilah for ties that bind. May Allah protect them for me, guide them and grant them happiness in this world and the next. Ameen, ameen thumma ameen.

So what ties were you grateful for this week? I hope you had something to thank Allah for because even in the worst of situations there is still something to be grateful for. 

Next week in shaa Allah the topic is: Alhamdulilah for Islam. Keep thanking Allah. Till next week in shaa Allah, stay safe and saum maqbul :)