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Saturday, 31 December 2016


Photo Courtesy:

2016 has been like any other year; with it's own ups and downs, new innovations, great changes, tragedies, successes, new habits both good and bad ones. As much as we are encouraged to embrace change and accept it, there are some things that we shouldn't be okay with, that we should STOP doing as fast as the four letters can be pronounced and that each one of us should really reconsider before doing them again. Let us make 2017 a better year.

1. Let the journalists do their work: This is one of the things that really REALLY bothers and pisses me off honestly and it makes me sad too. We are in this era whereby everyone is a citizen journalist, everyone is a photographer. Of course there is a good side and great advantages of this but we are sooo misusing the privilege. Having people take photos and videos of tragic events, heart-breaking scenarios is soo not okay. It is NOT okay to take photos of someone's bloody body at the accident scene, of someone's burial, of someone who just committed suicide, of a total stranger having his private time somewhere and you decide the world should laugh with you on how they had worn their dress the wrong way or make-up done so badly or whatever embarrassing moment they are facing. Or even 'better', making a meme out of it. For heavens sake, please just don't. We have journalists for a reason. And we go through four years of learning for a reason. We are taught ethics which apparently many don't have. 

Sometimes, I come across very devastating situations in which I know I could create a master piece story from yet I, as a journalist refrain from taking the pic or the video because I always remind myself that I am a human being before a journalist. And this is something we should all consider before we are so quick to pull out our phones. Ask yourself this question, if I were in that same situation, would I want someone to expose me to the world like that?! Would I want that to be done if it was my mother in the bad make up? Or if it was my dad lying on the ground dead? Would I want the world my dead body's picture circulating before even my own family is notified of my death? For those who have ever read the biography of the Bang bang club of South Africa, or watched the movie, they can tell you how photo journalists at that time suffered from guilt and depression due to the heart-breaking scenes they had to capture. One committed suicide yet his photo of a vulture waiting for a hungry child to die brought him great fame. It was all guilt...but do we have any left? He was a journalist, that was his job, yet he couldn't stand it. What of us of the all day, all night selfie era?? 

Don't say I can't be in that situation. I can't commit suicide. I can't do bad make-up. I can't I can't...but you may do something way worse and trust me, you wouldn't even want to admit it to your own self let alone the whole world knowing about it. We need to start acting like human beings with brains and with a heart. Act HUMAN!

2. Stop putting yourself down: Stop waiting for a miracle to happen to bring you out of your misery. You need to believe in yourself, believe that you have a purpose in this life. That you do make a difference. It doesn't have to be world wide difference. You don't have to be mother Theresa or Nelson Mandela for you to know that you are making a difference. You are. Because you make someone in your life happy. Because you help your friends in their difficult times. Because you love your family and they love you back. You are making a difference just by your existence. So don't allow rain drops look like a storm. Don't create problems that don't exist. Don't overthink. Just believe. Have faith. Love and love again. Be kind and never let yourself down. Remember, you are amazing! :)

3. Staying low key is important. It is as important as you taking your medicine on time. I personally spend a lot of time on social media because that is where all my work is but if there is anything that I learnt is; learn to separate your personal life from social media. Stop worshiping the internet. Stop giving out too many details about your life. It is okay to let your friends know when you are happy and when you are sad or when you are having a nice time somewhere. Just don't over-do it. There are many vultures out there waiting for you to trip or maybe even your downfall. You upload your every single movement; from hotel to hotel. From outing to outing. From boyfriend to boyfriend. From meal to meal. Do you believe that people actually are happy for you just because they clicked 'like'? or because the comments got to 100 plus? Think about it. How many are actually your friends; REAL friends? Few I am sure. What then becomes of the rest who have so much information about you to write your biography yet you are actually strangers? Doesn't it ever scare you that you have nothing left in your life that is private and unknown to the world? Be a little bit mysterious. It has it's own beauty.

4. Regard depression seriously. It's high time we stopped mocking people undergoing depression. They are not attention seekers. They are not drama queens and kings. They are not weak. They are just too overwhelmed with their lives. They just need your help, your advice, your support. We need to stop telling on them like they are being delicate babies. That they are not strong enough. We need to stop pushing them away because depression is an illness of the heart just as cancer is to the body. It is real. It is deadly. It is suicidal. We shouldn't wait until someone has harmed themselves is when we say, 'He told me how he had suicide thoughts many times. I thought he was joking...' Sweet heart there is no jokes on depression issues. When your friend/family/close person comes to you then give them your time, your love, your prayers and assist them in discovering God and having faith in Him and His plans.

5. New beginnings: I believe in new beginnings. I believe in making changes, meeting new people and making new discoveries. I believe in better days and happy moments. But I also believe that none of these are tied to a new year. Every new year we want to make resolutions, we want a fresh start, we want the new beginnings. Yet 1st of January is not any different with 31st December or 20th August or 23rd of March. It is a day like any other. It doesn't come with a miracle from Santa nor does it hide any surprises. It is all but our own perception of it. The resolutions we make each year, we rarely ever fulfill them. We just make them because everyone is making their resolutions. But it should never be so. Yes I believe in making goals and what better time to make them than on a new year? Yes that is fine. I also do have my resolutions and goals each year. But that doesn't mean you have to wait until next new year for you to make the necessary changes in your life? How are you even sure you will live to the next 1st January? 

Please stop complaining that it has been a terrible year, every single year! We hear the same words on and on and on, year after year. So when are you ever going to appreciate the good things that happened in the 12 months phase? Stop being a negative person. Appreciate good things when they come and be patient during tough times. And remember, change can be done any time any day even if it at midnight of a very stormy night. It's all in your brain. You can start your new beginning right now, right this second. Who is going to stop you? Every day is a beautiful day; beautiful enough to be a fresh start ;)

It has been a year of it's own. Let's hope and pray that 2017 will be a more peaceful year for the whole world, a better year for us all, a year with more love and happiness than any other. May we all live to have our new beginnings and achieve our goals. Ameen :)


Photo Courtesy: I have no idea who has the brains to do this 😂

After the surprise release of results and the shock that followed, Matiang'i still remains to be the man of the hour; the man of 2016. Whether we like him or not, we can’t deny that he is irresistible! You just can’t help but adore the man. From when he entered office, we have seen MAJOR changes never seen in Kenyan history. 

He declared it forbidden for schools to hold any events during the third term, he denied candidates to enter the exam room with any watches, pencil pouch or even a mathematical set. All stationary was to be in transparent paper bag. He ensured that during the examinations no students were around and teachers except the head and the deputy. He literally did the rounds himself to some schools during the examinations to ensure no irregularities. He had both the KCPE and KCSE results released before the completion of a month after the seating. And why I say this man will remain of the hour is his enigmatic style of doing things. On 29th we suddenly had breaking news just out of the blue for the release of KCSE results. For the past few days before that, I could hear candidates create panic attacks amongst themselves with the false alarm always, “I hear the results will be released today!” As much as the exams were practically ‘made familiar’ with almost all questions coming from the ‘made familar series books’, candidates were barely eating, barely sleeping, moving into their grandma’s homes so as not to be asked their index numbers :D He kept Kenyans on suspense and hands on their hearts always. It’s like he wants to play this hide and seek game yet wanting to prove that THIS IS HIS GAME! 

For the first time in history we are having at least more realistic results than ever. They look clean and it really clarifies where we are as a country. Matiang'i has insisted that he won’t allow any monkey business in his reign and that cheating is out of his dictionary. A new system has also come up whereby students won’t be using index numbers anymore but instead be using specific student identifiers throughout a student’s school life. Again Matiang'i wants to bring in common exams in universities just like the KNEC and KASNEB exams which may greatly affect the number of graduates in universities. While this will be a pain in the necks of some, students confusedly still like Matiang'i. Like he is doing something that may affect them greatly especially considering how many depend on leakage, students still can’t help but adore the man. He is doing a great job and many are ready to vote for him if he vied for presidency. Or at least he should be the chairman of IEBC right? We surely need such a clean-up in our politics too!

You know, when I remember during our days after KCPE we would have to wait until February to start school and after KCSE, have to wait for at least four to six or more months before getting their university calling letters. And if you ask the older school generations, they had to stay at home for almost two years waiting for the calling letters like they are being summoned to heaven.  These people would do all kind of small jobs; from secretarial to farming to salon to doing house chores to cooking, counting the days until they would get too tired and just lie down on their beds, heads staring at the ceiling like they are tempted to commit suicide before joining university. Then the most painful part after those dreadful two years you get called for a course that you never even knew existed, in a down-town small college where your ancestors belonged. In a college with just two lecturers! Well, Matiang'i has saved some souls hasn’t he? :D

Better still is that students finally got a longer holiday. The primary students have always been busy; always at school, always doing homework, always at tuition, always carrying heavy bags until their shoulders drop, always tired! They really deserved a longer break so that they could actually relax and have a normal childhood like it should be. So this time round both primary and secondary schools closed before November, giving them two good and healthy months to take a break. Yey Matiangi!

Nonetheless, Matiang'i didn’t just break the headlines with 141 A’s, he also broke our ribs or rather, cracked them. You know Kenyans are never late creating memes and jokes when something happens and right now, Matiang'i it is. Whilst the old students thank God that they completed before Matiangi’s reign, everyone is still excited and amused by his style and swagger should we say? :D Since the day before yesterday my whatsapp has been knocked off with Matiang'i jokes all thanks to the Khalifa alumni group lol and of course all over social media; still made my week though :D

1. Yaani Matiang'i alikua holiday huko Coast kurelax beach akaona watoi wanaswim na ju hajui kuswim akaamua atoe results.

2. Next year results KCSE results zinakuja kama message ya sportpesa
CONGRATULATIONS you scored a D in KCSE results ID 1205.
3. Ati Matiang'i akiwa minister for health, madem watakuwa wanakaa na ball 4 months =, hakuna kuteseka na mizigo.

4. KCSE 2017: HISTORY PAPER 1A: Describe the Matiangi massacre and it’s significance in shaping Kenya’s education sector (20 marks)
5. Saa hii mtu mjanja anafaa afungue kinyozi ju watu wenye wanarepeat high school ni wengi na walikuwa washaweka rasta.

6.This ‘failing of the boy child’ is a strategy by the government to decongest JKUAT.

7. Kama hujaendea cert yako high school endea sai before Matiangi aifanyie corrections.

8. But those of us who finished our KCSE before Matiangi’s reign, acheni Mungu aitwe Mungu. Juu wengi wangepata certificate of participation.

9. Matiang'i be like cut it cut it cut it that mark is way too high you need to cuuut it.

10.Interview job itakuwa swali moja tu ‘before or after Matiangi?’

11. I never dreamt of a day when KCSE results would be breaking news. Congratulations Matiang'i, results are now at par with terrorist attacks.

12. Urban Dictionary:
    Word: Matiangi_surprise
    Example in a sentence: Hey Duncan you matiangied me.
    Synonym: surprise, shock, eye opener, rude awakening.
13. Ati hao 141 wamepata A ata wanaweza form whatsapp group na wajiite ‘the only doctors, wengine ni witch doctors’
14.I hereby take this opportunity to thank my parents, for timing :D I did my KCSE before Matiang'i :D

Let’s all have a moment of LOL LOL LOL for the one and only Matiang'i. He has done a great job nay? Well, uni students brace yourselves, you are yet to be roasted 😃😂

To all those who have received their results, congratulations. As the saying goes, you reap what you sow. Nonetheless one thing I realized is that, High school defines your personality yet it is university that defines your real IQ because this is where you do what you choose to do and you learn the way you want to. So whatever the case, prove your abilities in the next level. All the best ahead! :)

Friday, 23 December 2016


By: Nilu Bachani

There's the image of fire reflecting through my eyes
Flames burning little children as they cry.
With that, innocence is turning to bones and ash
Syria is falling, on its way to crash
Oppressors think they're winning
But Allah, we all know He is watching
The world has turned to a blind eye
Ignorant and nonchalant, with no reply
People are always fighting for what's happening on the other side
Yet, here everyone has closed their ears, their mouths, their eyes
to something I call a genocide
Each tear, each scar, every drop of blood of an innocent soul is nullified
This is inhumane and atrocious
Yet with blood all over them
every whisper consists of His name
Al-aziz, The Victorious
They lost hope in the world, but they know who to fear
Despite knowing that death might be near
Fathers mothers brothers sisters constantly weeping with the words inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajiuun.
More bodies are piling up, praying that all this will go away soon
Aleppo, oh Aleppo, how can I be silent Aleppo
Ya Allah bring the Ummah together, to fight for their tomorrow...
understanding why the Prophet cried for us so much
women pick death rather than being raped, over my stomach my hands clutch.
Yet here I am envisioning it
while they're actually going through it
thinking how unbearable the screeching of their screams must be
Feeling helpless, as I prostrate towards Allah accepting reality
That this is cruelty
and I question have we forgotten humanity?
But with guilt inside me I pray for forgiveness that all the damage that's done is because I was silent all along
I, another human watching more blood being shed, seeing that it's all wrong.
Tick Tock, look at all the time that's been gone.
Tick Tock, now all their flesh is bone....


Nilu recited her poem after the prayers for Aleppo on Thursday (and it honestly gave me a chill). She was also one of the organizers of the event.

Alhamdulilah the turn out was not bad. Around 100 people (both men and woman) attended while the organizers reported to have collected around 130, 000 Kshs which they are still collecting until Monday then send the money in shaa Allah. May Allah bless the organizers and all those who participated in one way or another, the ones who attended from far and near, and even those who wished to be present but couldn't; may God grant you well in dunya and akhera. I hope we can do better than this next time because I believe we CAN DO better. Alhamdulilah ala kul hal. Let us keep praying for Syria, for Yemen, Palestine, Burma...all the countries suffering. May Allah grant them victory. Ameen ya Rab!


At the moment the whole world is talking about Aleppo, arranging vigil events, donating, doing sincere prayers and all this just makes me fall in love â€
So this is our week, Mombasa folks. On this thursday (tomorrow) 3 p.m. there will be prayers at Light house mosque. There will be a donation box at the event where people can donate for Aleppo folks. If you are wondering how the money will get to the white helmets then this is how:
One of the organizers of the 'vigil for aleppo' event is a member of the foreigner's students of Turkey. The group is collecting funds to buy medical equipment, blankets, medicines, food, clothes and other necessities. This is the first time we are doing such a wonderful initiative in Mombasa, so please be available when history is being made. Come and connect to the world. Come and be inspired. Come and have your faith in humanity be restored đŸ˜Š
For those who can't attend but wish to donate you can mpesa me at 0704 731 560: Lubnah. Please I can only accept donations until tomorrow around 2:30 before the event starts in shaa Allah. I already have 15k donated...please bring in more. Let us make a difference and in shaa Allah our rewards will be from God đŸ˜Š
Talking of making a difference, we have someone else who desperately needs our help. A brother of ours was diagnosed with cancer of the oesophagus in early December.
He requires Kshs.203,768 to undergo chemotherapy and radiotherapy at the Nairobi Hospital for five weeks.
We are appealing for your help as this matter needs to be attended to urgently. We will greatly appreciate on behalf of the family, In Shaa Allah.
You can make your contribution through MPESA- 0790488333 Amina Khamis.
We all know how deadly cancer is and I can't insist enough how much the family needs us right now. Compared to the Aleppo appeal, his funding is still far behind and we all know how doctors won't treat him unless he is paying meanwhile. Charity starts at home people. Let's help him with the little much we can offer.

These are his medical records đŸ‘†
Please note that I am only taking donations for Aleppo while Amina khamis mentioned above is receiving for the patient. We can all make it possible. A little here a little there and in shaa Allah we will have helped save some people's lives. Ameen.
I know some would be confused on which to donate for. My idea is you can divide the money and get rewards for both. If your have little money then you can attend the prayers for Aleppo and donate the money to the patient. But that is just my idea to make you participate in both, you can always do what you wish most đŸ˜Š
Do remember however small your charity is, it makes a difference. Your small and my small makes it big. So let's start M-pesaring đŸ˜›
God bless you abundantly and grant you well. Ameen. Thanks in advance!!

Monday, 19 December 2016

KINYONGA NA TAUSI (sehemu ya 5: mwisho)

Mwandishi: Naima Baghozi

Mbele ya macho yao kulikuwa na jiwe na ubavuni mwake kulikuwa na maua ya rangi ya manjano kijani na nyekundu. Rafiki yao Kinyonga alikuwa amelala usingizi mzito juu ya hilo jiwe mfano ni kama alikuwa anaota jua, asilolijua ni kuwa dua yake imejibiwa. Rafiki zake ndio walikuwa wameona. Kinyonga alikuwa amerembeka kweli. Rangi yake ya mwili iko sawa na rangi zile za maua ubavuni mwake, yaani ngozi yakeimejigawanya rangi za manjano, kijani na nyekundu.
Kwa furaha nyingi hawakuweza kujizuia, kwa shangwe na nderemo na hamu wakamwamsha Kinyonga. Naye Kinyonga akaonyesha ni kama ametoka kwenye usingizi mzito. Akifungua macho yake vizuri akaona rafiki zake wanaruka ruka kwa furaha na kuimba: 
“Kinyonga amefaulu, Kinyonga amefaulu, sasa ni mrembo

Akawauliza: “Munasema nini?” 
Tumbiri akamjibu: “Umepata ulilotaka, sasa mwili wako umeshakuwa una rangi rangi.”
“Unasema kweli?” Kinyonga akamuuliza akiwa na tabasamu kubwa. 
“Naam, hapo ulipo rangi yako iko sawa na maua karibu na wewe.” 
Tausi na Kombamwiko pamoja na Sungura wakaongezea: “Ni kweli Kinyonga, hata sisi sote tumeshangaa na urembo wako.”

Mara Kinyonga akafanya kuondoka karibu na hayo maua, zile rangi zikapotea, wenzake wakakatiza furaha zao na kunyamaza kimya, wakamtizama rafiki yao na macho ya kusikitika. Kinyonga akawauliza: “Mbona ghafla furaha imewaishia? Muna nini, na mbona munaniangalia na macho ya huzuni hivyo?”
Aliyemjibu ni Tausi: “Kinyonga hizo rangi tayari zimekupotea.” 
“Haiwezekani, sikubali.” Kinyonga akajibu na huku machozi yanamtoka. 

Sungura akamwambia Kinyonga asilie naye akajibu: “Nisilie vipi? Baada ya dakika tu kujihisi ni mrembo kwa furaha mulizonionyesha, urembo umenipotea tena.” 
Halafu akaondoka na kurudi kwenye jiwe lake na mara zile rangi zilimrudia tena na rafiki zake wakarudi kufurahi tena. Kinyonga akashangaa, na rafiki zake walishangaa zaidi, wakamweleza hayo waliyoyaona. Wakawa hawafahamu ni nini kinachoendelea.

Kinyonga aliwaomba rafiki zake wamtizame akiondoka tena zitafanyika nini. Basi aliondoka hapo na kutembea juu ya mchanga. Rangi za maua ziliondoka na mara alikuwa rangi ya mchanga, alipopita juu ya nyasi akageuka rangi ya kijani. Yaani kila rangi aliyopitia Kinyonga akawa anabadilika kuwa rangi hiyo.  Hata alipokuja karibu na Tausi na mkia alikuwa amechanua rangi yake ikawa ya Tausi.

Rafiki zake waliona ni maajabu na kumwelezea yote haya Kinyonga hata akawaambia: “Natamani ningeweza kujiona
” akiwa na wingi wa furaha.
Kombamwiko akasema: “Sungura, wewe ndie ulio na mbio kuliko sisi sote, ni bora ukamfuate Yule mwanadamu, umuelezee kilichotokea na umuombe aje na kioo ili Kinyonga aweze kujiona

Sungura akakubali mara moja na hapo hapo akazitoa mbio zake zote mpaka kwa mwanadamu. Njiani alipishana na Paka hata hakumsemesha. Paka akawa anajiuliza mbio hizo Sungura anakwenda wapi? Haikupita muda mrefu akamuona anarudi na mwanadamu akiwa amebeba kioo. Usabasi ukamshika akaamua kuwafuata ili ajue kinachoendelea. Akawafuata kwa kando kando mpaka wakafika sehemu akawaona tena Tausi, Tumbiri na Kombamwiko lakini Kinyonga haonekani. Rafiki zake walikuwa wamemwabia arudi kwenye yale maua ili aonekane na hizo rangi. Basi walipofika walipokuwepo ndio wakamuona Kinyonga na uzuri wake wote. Mwanadamu akamwambia akiwa na mwingi wa tabasamu: “Eh, Kinyonga- umepata ulilotaka sasa nimekuja na kioo ujione ulivyokuwa mrembo.”

Basi akamsimamishia kioo na Kinyonga hakuamini macho yake kwa urembo alouona, akauliza: “Yule ni mimi kweli?” Akajibiwa: “Ni wewe kweli na Sungura amenieleza kuwa unabadilika kila rangi, hebu nionyeshe

Kinyonga akaondoka kwenye maua akawa anajionyesha kila sehemu anaposimama anabadilika rangi ya hiyo sehemu. Mwanadamu akamwambia: “Hakika nimekufurahia kwa kupata ulilotaka. Usisahau kumshukuru Bwana Mola kwa kukupatia ulichotaka.”

Kinyonga akamjibu: “Siwezi kusahau, na wewe pia nakushukuru pamoja na hawa rafiki zangu kwa msaada wenu.” Mara akagundua Paka yuko hapo hana la kusema ila mdomo ulikuwa wazi tu, macho yamemkodoka ni kama hayaamini aliyoyaona mbele yake. Kinyonga akamuuliza: “Paka, leo huna ufidhuli wa kusema, si ulituona sisi sote ni wajinga na ukanicheka tu kwa matamanio yangu. Basi leo tunakucheka wewe

“Hahahaha-hehehehe-hahahaha-hehehehe.” Rafiki zake pamoja na mwanadamu wakamsaidia. “Hahahaha-hehehehe-hahahaha-hehehehe,”

Paka akaondoka kwa unyonge, kichwa na mkia ukiwa chini. Kinyonga na rafiki zake wakaendelea na sherehe zao za kufurahia maisha mapya ya Kinyonga. Yeye mwenyewe aliendelea kuringa ringa, akijigeuza hivi, mara vile. Akaendelea kuishi maisha yake kwa raha mustarehe akijuwa popote anapopita anageuka rangi ya anapopapitia.

Jina la Kinyonga linamaanisha kugeuka geuka na yeye ndivyo alivyo wa kugeuka geuka rangi.

Sunday, 18 December 2016

KINYONGA NA TAUSI (sehemu ya 4)

Mwandishi: Naima Baghozi

Unaweza kusoma sehemu ya 3: 

Rafiki zake nao wakazidi kutilia mkazo ombi hilo: "Tafadhali Tausi, tafadhali sana, msaidie maskini amesumbuka sana..." wakaendelea hivyo kwa muda kumnasihi Tausi ili akubali. Wakati wote huo Paka alikuwa amejificha juu ya mti karibu kuanguka kwa kujizuia na kicheko maana kila akikaa anastaajabu kwa nini Kinyonga ana lazima ya kujibadilisha rangi yake.

Tausi naye alipoona Kinyonga ananyenyekea sana pamoja na rafiki zake moyo wake ukaingia imani na kuamua: "Sawa nimekubali kumpatia Kinyonga manyoya yangu...lakini sijui kama yatamsaidia..."

Basi hapo hapo Tausi akaanza kujikukuta kukuta na kuyapiga piga mabawa yake na mara mbele ya kikundi hicho manyoya kadhaa yakamtoka na kuanguka chini wote wakafurahi na Tumbiri akasogea na kuanza kuyaokota hayo manyoya. Halafu akamwita Kinyonga: “Sogea karibu na mimi rafiki yangu tuanze kazi ya kukurembesha.” Basi Kinyonga akamsogelea na wenzi wao pia wakajisogeza ili wapate kuona vipi manyoya ya Tausi yataweza kumbadilisha Kinyonga rangi ya mwili wake.

Tumbiri akachukuwa manyoya na kuyaweka juu ya mgongo wa Kinyonga na kuanza kuyasugua kwa ustadi na umakinifu mkubwa. Wote wakawa wanazuia pumzi wakisubiri kwa hamu kuona mabadiliko yatakavyoanza kutokea. Tumbiri aliendelea kufanya ufundi huo kwa makini na subira kubwa mpaka mikono ikaanza kumuuma kwa machofu lakini hakuna hata dalili moja ya mabadiliko iloonekana.

Paka, muda wote huo alikuwa akizuia kicheko chake hapo juu ya mti, hakuweza kujizuia tena. Mara wote waliinua macho waliposikia: “Hahaha-hehehe-hahaha- Nyinyi mnachekesha kweli kweli, hahaha, hehehe! Hata mbavu zinaniuma. Vipi mnaweza kubadilisha tulivyoumbwa? Hahaha...”

Wote walioko chini walikasirika sana na Paka. Kinyonga akamjibu Paka na kumwambia: “We Paka, we endelea tu kunicheka, iko siku hicho kicheko chako kitakukwamia kooni

Wakiwa bado wako hapo hapo alitokea mwanadamu akiwa katika matembezi yake. Akaona mkusanyiko wa wanyama hawa utadhani wako kwenye mkutano muhimu, basi akawakurubia na kuwasalimu.
“Habari zenu?” Wakajibu kwa pamoja: “Nzuri.”
“Mbona mumekusanyika? Mna mkutano?”
Akajibu Kinyonga: “Huu mkusanyiko ni kwa ajili yangu na pengine wewe ndie utakaeweza kunisaidia.”
“Ni msaada gani unaouhitaji kwangu?” 

Basi Kinyonga akaanza kwa utaratibu kumweleza binadamu shida yake tangu mwanzo hadi mwisho, naye binadamu alisikiliza kwa makini na mwisho akatabasamu tu.

Kinyonga akmuuliza: “Utaweza kunisaidia?”
Mwanadamu akamjibu: “Nimekusikiza kilio chako na nimekufahamu vizuri. Lakini si unafahamu Muumba pekee ndie anaeweza kubadilisha maumbile yetu?”
“Sasa nifanye nini? Mimi nataka  sana niwe na mwili wa rangi rangi

Mwanadamu akaonyesha ni kama yuko kwenye mawazo mazito. Basi wote walibaki kimya wakisubiri atatoa uamuzi gani. Mwishowe akasema: “Kinyonga, mimi nimefikiri sana na nimeona umwombe Bwana Mola akupatie huo mwili wa rangi rangi unaotaka. Yeye ndie aliekuumba hivyo na yeye peke yake ndie atakayeweza kukubadilisha, basi muombe usiku na mchana na akipenda atakupa hizo rangi uzitakazo kwa mwili wako, sawa?”

Kinyonga na rafiki zake wakakubali kuwa hilo ndilo jawabu la sawa na wote wakamshukuru mwanadamu, akashika njia yake na kuondoka.

Kombamwiko akasema: “Kinyonga, usijali hata sisi kama rafiki zako tutakusaidia kumwomba Bwana Mola, au sivyo wenzangu?” Wote wakajibu: “Naam, sote tuko pamoja.” Paka alipoona bado wanaendelea na wazimu wao aliondoka na kuenda zake akiwaacha na ujinga wao- ndivyo alivyofikiria yeye. 

Ibada ya Kinyonga na rafiki zake zikaanza.Usiku na mchana, wakipumzika kidogo tu. Kila kukipambazuka wakimtizama Kinyonga hawaoni mabadiliko yoyote. Lakini hawakuchoka wakaendelea kuomba sana na kwa unyenyekevu. Kwa machofu mengi usiku wa kuamkia siku ya saba usingizi uliwashinda nguvu wakapotelewa na usingizi bila hata ya kuhisi. 
Asubuhi na mapema, kulipopambazuka tu na Jua kujitokeza, wa kwanza kuinuka alikuwa Sungura, akawatizama wenzake akawaona wote bado wako usingizini, akajiuliza: “Hivi sote tumeishia kulala bila ya kumwombea rafiki yetu Kinyonga?”

Kisha akageuka huku na huku kumtafuta Kinyonga amelala wapi, akawa hamuoni. Akafanya wasiwasi na kuwaamsha Tumbiri, Tausi na Kombamwiko. Wote wakashtuka kuwa wamelala usiku huu uliopita. Wakauliza: “Kuna nini?”
Sungura akawajibu: “Sote tumepitikiwa na usingizi na hata hatukuweza kumwombea rafiki yetu na sasa hata simuoni, hebu sasa tumtafuteni.” Wakazunguka zunguka wakimtafuta rafiki yao kwa wasiwasi kwani usiku wote walikuwa pamoja.
Hawakufika mbali mara kwa mshangao mkubwa walisimama kwa pamoja midomo yao yote ikiwa wazi isitoke sauti hata moja

Mbele ya macho yao kulikuwa na jiwe na ubavuni mwake kulikuwa na maua ya rangi ya manjano kijani na nyekundu. Rafiki yao Kinyonga alikuwa amelala usingizi mzito juu ya hilo jiwe mfano ni kama alikuwa anaota jua, asilolijua ni kuwa dua yake imejibiwa. Rafiki zake ndio walikuwa wameona. Kinyonga alikuwa amerembeka kweli. Rangi yake ya mwili iko sawa na rangi zile za maua ubavuni mwake, yaani ngozi yakeimejigawanya rangi za manjano, kijani na nyekundu.
Kwa furaha nyingi hawakuweza kujizuia, kwa shangwe na nderemo na hamu wakamwamsha Kinyonga. Naye Kinyonga akaonyesha ni kama ametoka kwenye usingizi mzito. Akifungua macho yake vizuri akaona rafiki zake wanaruka ruka kwa furaha na kuimba: 
“Kinyonga amefaulu, Kinyonga amefaulu, sasa ni mrembo


Ungana nami katka kipande cha mwisho wa stori hii karibuni in shaa Allah...

Saturday, 17 December 2016

KINYONGA NA TAUSI (sehemu ya 3)

Mwandishi: Naima Baghozi

Maskini Kinyonga akajitizama na kuona michirizi ya rangi iliyokuwa ikitiririka kutoka mwilini mwake. Moyo ulimuuma na machozi kumbubujika buji buji akiuona urembo wake huooo unamtoka. Kombamwiko alimbembeleza sana na kujaribu kila njia ya kumnyamazisha lakini wapi
ndio mwanzo Kinyonga alikuwa anazidisha kilio mpaka mwisho Kombamwiko akamwambia: “Sikiza rafiki yangu, usilie sana. Naona ni bora urudi kwa Tumbiri umuombe akusaidie tena na sasa umeshajua ukiona mvua ukimbie wala usikaribie maji yoyote, sawa?”

Kinyonga hapo akapata moyo kidogo na kuamua kufanya hivyo. “Shukrani sana Kombamwiko kwa nasiha yako nzuri, naona ndivyo nitakavyofanya. Kwaheri kwa sasa , wacha nianze safari ya kwenda kwa Tumbiri , tutaonana.”
“Kwaheri ya kuonana na nakutakia kila la heri.” 

Kinyonga akashika njia ya kurudia huko huko alikotoka. Safari yenyewe ilikuwa si fupi lakini aliamua kwenda hivyo hivyo maana lengo lake ni kubadili rangi ya mwili wake. Basi akaenda kwa mwendo wa kasi kadiri alivyoweza mpaka alipofika nusu ya njia akakutana na Sungura katika shughuli zake za kuchimba chimba akijitafutia chakula. 

Akamsalimia kwa furaha : “Aah! Sungura rafiki yangu, habari za siku nyingi?” Sungura akamjibu : “ Nzuri Kinyonga. Ni kweli tumepotezana kwa muda mrefu sana. Hivi unaelekea wapi?” 
“Kwa vile nimekuona wewe pengine sina haja ya kwenda nilikokuwa ninaenda.” 
“kwani ulikuwa unaenda wapi? Na mimi ninaweza kukusaidia vipi?” Sungura akauliza tena.
“Wewe Sungura, sote tunakufahamu kwa ujanja na werevu wako ndio nimeona wewe utaweza kunipa ushauri bora nipate lengo langu.” Basi Kinyonga akaendelea na kumweleza kisa chake tangu mwanzo hadi mwisho. 
Sungura akamuuliza: “Kwa ufupi unataka uwe na rangi kama za Tausi au sivyo?”
“Ndivyo,” akajibu Kinyonga. 
Sungura akamwambia : “Mimi naona bora uende kwa Tausi umuombe akutolee manyoya mawili matatu hivi ujifutilie juu ya mwili wako na pengine utakuwa na rangi kama yeye.”
Kinyonga akashangaa sana na na huku akiwaza vipi tangu mwanzo hakufikiria hivyo. “Aah! Sungura si nimesema wewe u mwerevu sana, utakuja na mimi unisaidie kumwomba Tausi?”

Sungura akakubali kurudi naye. Walipotaka kuondoka walimuona Tumbiri anakuja. Alipowasili aliwasalimia na kuuliza kilichokuwa kinaendelea na sababu ya Kinyonga kutokuwa na rangi. Basi Kinyonga akamweleza kile kilichotokea na walichokuwa wananuia kufanya yeye na Sungura.

Tumbiri akamuonea huruma na kumwambia : “Usihuzunike rafiki yangu hata mimi nitakwenda na nyinyi tukamtaradhie kwa vizuri Tausi ili akupatie hayo manyoya yake.”

Basi safari ya watatu hao ikaanza kwa mwendo wa haraka. Mara njiani wakamkuta Paka, nae aliona mbio walizokuwa wanakuja nazo. Mwanzoni alikuwa hajamwona Kinyonga lakini walipomkaribia akamuona Kinyonga bila ya rangi rangi zake akaanza na kicheko chake: “Hahahaha, hehehehe Kinyonga hahaha ziwapi rangi zako?” Kinyonga kwa hasira akawaambia Tumbiri na Sungura: “Mwacheni huyu Paka na ujinga wake. Twendeni zetu.” Wakaondoka kwa haraka.  Paka akaamua kuwafuata nyuma nyuma ajue wanakwenda wapi na wanakwenda kufanya nini.

Bila ya kujua kama Paka anawafuata kisirisiri, Kinyonga na maswahibu zake waliendelea na safari yao ya kwenda kwa Tausi. Kabla ya kuwasili kwa Tausi wakampata Kombamwiko mbele yao. Akamuuliza Kinyonga: “Mbona rafiki yangu umerudi hivyo hivyo bila kupaka rangi zako?”

Kinyonga akamweleza nini wameamua kufanya. Basi Kombamwiko akaamua kuwafuata. Msafara ukaendelea mpaka kwa Tausi. Tausi kama kawaida alikuwa akizunguka zunguka kwa maringo katika bustani. Mara akauona msafara unamwingilia wa Tumbiri, Sungura, Kinyonga na Kombamwiko.

Asiyemuona alikuwa ni Paka maana alikuwa amejificha wasimuone. Hamu yake nikutaka kujua kuna sababu gani ya wote hawa kuja mpaka kwa Tausi.  Tausi mwenyewe aliona ajabu kuwaona wote hawa pamoja kwani kwa kawaida kila mmoja huwa kivyake. Akaona bora awaulize: “Habari zenu? Muna nini leo, mbona mmeandamana kuja kwangu?”
Akajibu Sungura: “Nzuri Tausi. Sisi tumejikusanya kwako na ombi dogo tukutaradhie kama utaweza kutusaidia. Tausi akashangaa huku akiwaza ombi gani hilo lililowafanya hawa wote kujikusanya na kuja kwake. Akaamua kutaka kujuwa: “Ombi gani hilo? Hebu niambieni na nikiweza nitakusaidieni."

Tumbiri akapata moyo kidogo akasongea mbele na kusema: "Tausi, wewe unajua vizuri vipi Kinyonga anatamani kuwa na mwili wa rangi rangi kama wewe sivyo?"
Tausi akajibu: "Naam ni kweli, kwa hivyo munataka mimi nifanye nini?"

Kinyonga akajisogeza mwenyewe na kumweleza mambo yote yaliyojiri tangu alipoachana na yeye mpaka muda ule walipofika kwake. Akamalizia na kusema: 
"Sasa nakuomba unisaidie na manyoya yako mawili matatu ili nijipake mwilini mwangu na pengine nitakuwa na rangi nzuri kama zako."

Rafiki zake nao wakazidi kutilia mkazo ombi hilo: "Tafadhali Tausi, tafadhali sana, msaidie maskini amesumbuka sana..." wakaendelea hivyo kwa muda kumnasihi Tausi ili akubali. Wakati wote huo Paka alikuwa amejificha juu ya mti karibu kuanguka kwa kujizuia na kicheko maana kila akikaa anastaajabu kwa nini Kinyonga ana lazima ya kujibadilisha rangi yake.

Tausi naye alipoona Kinyonga ananyenyekea sana pamoja na rafiki zake moyo wake ukaingia imani na kuamua: "Sawa nimekubali kumpatia Kinyonga manyoya yangu...lakini sijui kama yatamsaidia..."


Itaendelea karibuni in shaa Allah :)

Friday, 16 December 2016


Photo Courtesy: Butterfly.4.Weddings (

There are 8 kinds of women you almost never miss in a Swahili/Mombasa wedding:

1. The epitome of beauty: The most beautiful lady in the room. You would almost confuse her to be the bride. She is gorgeous and she knows it. Make-up done perfectly with a Cinderella gown that makes her the princess of the night. She walks gracefully, head held high, appears in the dance floor, interact and doesn't miss out in the photos.

2. Selfieeee: You will never miss a selfie freak. Always taking photos from the moment they step at the hall door, to when they are walking, seated, dancing, eating, all poses you can think off. She could have 50 photos of just a single evening.

3. Make-up gone soo wrong: The kind of lady who makes you question whether you are too ignorant about make-up or she really looks the way you see her. You question her brain, her mirror, her friends, her family, the entire humanity who walked right by her and never said a word. Not even, "honey, I think some water on your face will do you good."?!!

4. Always the dancer: She is the great dancer. She knows her moves well and all songs can be danced even the one you would just sit and have your hand hold your chin? Yeah, that song too. She can dance it. So of course, you never miss her being in the dance floor.

5. Fashion police: The keen eyes scrutinizing what everyone is wearing, what colour, which jewelry, what they should have done differently and what would match best with what. Plus they never miss someone to discuss the fashion NO-NO's with at the wedding.

6. Family-tree narrator: This is the historian. "See the lady in blue? she is the daughter of the woman in green. The woman in green is the step-cousin to your late mother. And your late mother had a great step-grandmother; she is the old lady talking to the young lady. The young lady is your step aunt" bla bla bla... They know most people in the wedding. They can connect the dots of family lineage back to your ancestors. 

7. God! I_AM_BORED woman: She is mostly at the event because she has no choice. She is just staring at people, rarely interacting at all, appreciates the food being served, has a faint smile on her face and the moment the bride sits on the stage, she is gone!

8.The psycho kind of writer ME: The moment she takes a seat, she starts eating. She wants to get done with it already and forget about food. Next she is in pauses between chronic texting syndrome and staring at people silently like a serial killer and psychopath studying her victims. She looks at people like story materials and study expressions, impressions, abbreviations you name it :D She stares at the corner of the eyes of the bride trying to find tears, study body language and think of all the story ideas she can get from one event. There is no selfie taken at all because she is the same way you'd see her on the street buying tomatoes. She can't interact much because hey! 'I am just from greeting someone across the hall. I can't dare do that again. Too much attention.' She is always looking around just in case she sees a familiar face or an old friend. Not that she will walk to go say hi, rather she'll just wave and plaster a big smile like, 'if only you were closer i'd give you a hug.' You know, Mombasa weddings are partly re-unions, everyone knows everyone sorta thing. She looks confused and lost. All people are going to take photos with the bride she is still seated at the far end row alone with empty seats beside and around her. She is trying to dissect the song lines and read between the lines and sometimes question the sanity of the singers with very cheesy lines. She waits until the bride is walking right beside her so that she can hug her and congratulate her. Then hurrah! 'I think I just got something to write about from this.' :D Okay I know I am bizarre and weird but at least you got something to read today! ;) Have a blessed weekend lovely people :D

Wednesday, 14 December 2016


Photo Courtesy:


For those who know me well enough, they'd tell you you'd rarely see me in the middle of a crowd. It makes my head spin. In any event or occasion i'd either be within the two/three rows and most probably at the side-end of the line. It is always easier to get away you know. The nearer to the door, the better. So yesterday I was at the Iqra Youth foundation seminar and they had us to follow the lines. I ended up right at the middle of the third line. So before the event started, we had almost two hours. There were some nasheeds being played. One of the songs was one of the songs my late Mama two loved. Immediately upon hearing it, I could feel her face right in front of me. The memories, the laughter, her jokes...I started crying. I thought it would just a be a tear or two but then it almost became like an outburst of a spring. I was nervously and anxiously searching for my handkerchief in my bag with my head bowed so down almost getting buried in the bag. Obviously I didn't want anyone see me cry. It was too early in the morning for anyone to be seen crying. I could't find my hanky so I just used my hijab to wipe the over-streaming tears. My younger sister was seated next to me, I could see how deep in thoughts she was. I guessed that she probably was thinking about her too but no, I wasn't about to let her see me in tears and make her cry too. I am the older sister remember? In that roller coaster of thoughts, my mind replayed all those depressing videos I had seen the previous night of Aleppo. I started crying even more. Here I am crying for losing one important person what about them?! Losing everything all at once; homes, schools, hospitals, families...Seeing your sisters being gang raped right in front of their eyes...God! It made me feel miserable. The helplessness, the burning feeling...God knows how many times I kept my head bowed down in my bag, pretending to still be searching for the hanky. Looking behind after every two minutes to check whether my best friend had arrived to my rescue. My head was spinning, I could hear the laughter around, people busy chattering away, heads bowed down to their phones with no easy exit to the washroom so I stayed put, had a monologue trying to stay calm while taking deep breaths. God knows how many times I've wanted to disappear in such situations; be invisible, dissipate totally if possible. That is what helplessness does to us. Makes one angry, stressed, sad, frustrated all at the same time. It makes one question humanity, question God, question so many things...

This is perhaps one of the worst times to live in, one of the worst centuries to exist in. You see the humanity burn away into ashes. You see misery. You see rivers of blood flowing in a river-less town. You see children being tortured. You see women being raped. You witness a lot while you can do NOTHING about it. NOTHING. (please follow the links to watch full videos)

But then this isn't about Aleppo or Syria only. This is not about religion, race or politics. It is about the lives of innocent people. This is about Yemen, Palestine, Burma and many MANY other places around the world. It is about humanity. It is about the universe.


(The above video is of a child being electrocuted in Burma and his crime? His mother, his parents are Muslims)

They cry, they scream, they die. They are calling unto us? Where are we?! Where are we in helping them? As much as we keep tweeting, updating, blogging, instagraming about them, we have to REALLY ACTUALLY LITERALLY pray for them. Let us not just say, 'let us pray for them.' We need to take action NOW! We need to organize protests. We need to organize tahajjud for prayers for the whole world. We need to go back to Allah because He? He is the only one who can help them.


I am not trying to torture you too with these videos. I hope you can see the importance of your prayers and protests at this moment, to see the blessings in your life that you barely thank God see how much privileged you are. Alhamdulilah ala kul hal.

Take heart people. God is seeing this all. He is watching and He is preparing great reward for all these people. Take heart that God has a greater plan. That He is still in control; always has been, always will be. Let's all turn towards Him. Let's complain to Him. Let us beg Him. Let us PRAY PRAY PRAY! Let us pray for the sake of all those who are gone and those still clutching onto the feeble straws :(

Ameen thumma ameen! ;(

Monday, 12 December 2016


Photo Courtesy:

The past two days at the first annual Islamic conference were just A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!! Alhamdulilah; just the kind of things that can make me feel the thrills for the rest of the year :D I mean, one sheikh Rishard can make your entire week wonderful so you can imagine having him plus sheikh Kishki plus Al Qahtani plus Abu Hamza plus Ismail plus Abdulghani Bashir plus sheikh Suleiman from different parts of the world, all under the same roof on the same stage! May Allah bless them for all their outstanding lectures and to all the organizers, volunteers and donors who made this event a major success mashallah. It was too exciting I wish I could literally drag everyone to come and learn from them. If you missed it, you REALLY missed out! Lol okay I won't add any more pepper to the wounds but I can share something I learnt from sheikh Abdulrahman Mansur Al-Qahtani; one the most humorous and coolest sheikhs of our century :D Maybe next time we can have both Mufti Menk and Nouman Ali Khan on the same stage and we all know how that conference will rock! Ameen to this :D

So sheikh Al-Qahtani talked about the promises made by Allah in the qur'an and how Allah is speaking directly to us. So many times we are swept off by life, with it's tests, with it's demands, always busy, always in a rush with the worldly affairs and it's fanciness we forget the most important thing; what brought us into this world.

The Prophet salallaahu 'alayhi wa aleh wa sallam said that Allah said (in hadith Qudsi): "Myself, Mankind and Jinn are in a great serious state. I create them, then they worship other gods that they make for themselves. I bless them with my bounties, then they thank someone else for what I sent them. My Mercy descends to them while their evil deeds ascend to Me. I endear them with My gifts even though I have no need to any of them while they alienate themselves from Me with their sins even though they are desperate for My help. Whoever returns to Me , I accept him no matter how far he is. And whoever turns away from Me, I approach him and call on him. Whosoever leaves a sin for My sake, I reward him with many gifts and whoever seeks to please Me, I seek to please him. Whoever acknowledges My Will and Power in whatever he does, I make the iron bend for his sake. My dear people are those who are with Me (i.e. whoever would like to be with Me, let him supplicate to Me and remember Me). Whoever thanks Me, I grant him more blessings, whoever obeys Me, I raise him and endeavor him more. Whoever disobeys Me , I keep the doors of My Mercy open for him, if he returns to Me, I bestow him with My Love , since I love those who repent and purify themselves for My Sake. If he does not repent, I still treat him by putting them in hardship to purify him. Whoever favours Me over others, I favour them over others. I reward every single good deed ten times over or seven hundred times over to countless times over. I count every single bad deed as one unless the person repents and asks for My Forgiveness in which case I forgive even that one. I take into account any little good deed and I forgive even major sins. My Mercy supercedes My Anger, My Tolerance supercedes My Blame, My Forgiveness supercedes My Punishment as I am more Merciful with My slaves than a mother with her child."

Subhanallah, the weight of this hadith qudsi is heavy. So much to question ourselves about. Like how much Allah keeps blessing us, granting us what we want, forgiving us, forgiving us again and again and what do we send back to Him? 'their evil deeds ascend to Me.' Yet still He made promises to us; the ungrateful weak humans.

The first promise is: "So remember Me, I will remember You." Surat Baqarah: verse 152
I am pretty sure we have come across those angry memes on the blue ticks on whatsapp. You are in dire need of help or perhaps just someone to talk to, the ticks have turned blue, the last seen is every past second you check...yet no reply. It is annoying, sometimes heart-breaking. But this is us human-beings. Have you tried Allah? Have you tried talking to Him directly? In your sujood? In your dua? Anywhere anytime??! Do you remember Him at all? We keep saying that communication is a two-way thing then how do we expect Allah to remember any of us when we don't do the same to Him? Not that He needs us, but because WE NEED HIM! So remember Allah as many times and in many places as possible. Remember Him and He has promised to remember you!

The second promise is: 'If you are grateful, I will surely increase you (in favour)' Surat Ibrahim: verse 7
But how many times do we thank Allah? Sincerely thanking Allah from the bottom of our hearts? For both the good and bad in our lives? He says: 'when you thank me, I will give you more'. It is a promise. So thank Him. Thank Him for every small and big, Good and bad. And remember; even that the bad you go through is good in disguise. Again, have trust in Allah! :)

The third promise: 'Call unto Me (and) I shall respond to you! Surat Ghafir : verse 60.
The thing with Allah is that your messages to Him are delivered spontaneously and so are His replies. You may not know it but Allah has already answered your prayer the moment you make it! Even when you don't see an answer, His silence is the answer. Sheikh Al Qahatni said: Allah answers your duas in 3 ways: I know you have heard of this so many times but look at it keenly this time round. Let it sink in the mind.

1. He answers your dua immediately. Yep that is when I say; Blue ticks and typing (not literally, His way is way faster than that but you get me right?!) ;) Trust me, if you have ever made a dua with so much sincerity from the heart, you will relate to this perfectly.

2. He doesn't give you what you want so that He prevents you from some harm. We have cried. Most of us or all of us for something we wanted so badly. You cry your eyes and heart out but the answer you get is 'silence'. You pray and cry in days, in months, in years and you give up because you think Allah doesn't feel you, doesn't love you...then some day years later something better happens in your life and you are so happy and you just say, 'I've never been happier that what I wanted never happened!' Ever done that? or heard someone say that? It could be for a job they wanted so badly, or a spouse, or a journey or a can be anything. Yes, that is Allah, loving you and protecting you always. Have trust in Him!

3. Allah doesn't answer your dua so that you can get abundant reward in jannah. All this pain and heart-ache you are going through right now, be patient about it. Be happy with what Allah has prepared for you. Nabii Ayub aleyhi salam was tested with sickness and loss of wealth and children and Allah answered his dua 18 years later. Mind you, he was a prophet and his dua is immediately accepted yet Allah answered him only after all those years. Be patient. Don't say that is a prophet I can't wait that long. Yes, but you can wait for as long as you can.

There are several other promises Allah has made to us, but we are just too blind to see or too unfocused to understand. Verily, in the qur'an and hadiths and hadith al qudsi, you will find Allah repeatedly telling us talking to us, promising us, giving us hope...

"Abu Dharr reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, relates from his Lord that Allah said:


O my servants, I have forbidden oppression for myself and have made it forbidden among you, so do not oppress one another.


O my servants, all of you are astray except for those I have guided, so seek guidance from me and I will guide you.

ÙŠÙŽŰ§ ŰčÙŰšÙŽŰ§ŰŻÙÙŠ كُلُّكُمْ ŰŹÙŽŰ§ŰŠÙŰčٌ Ű„ÙÙ„ÙŽÙ‘Ű§ مَنْ ŰŁÙŽŰ·Ù’ŰčَمْŰȘُهُ ÙÙŽŰ§ŰłÙ’ŰȘÙŽŰ·Ù’Űčِمُونِي ŰŁÙŰ·Ù’Űčِمْكُمْ

O my servants, all of you are hungry except for those I have fed, so seek food from me and I will feed you.


O my servants, all of you are naked except for those I have clothed, so seek clothing from me and I will clothe you.


O my servants, you sin by night and day and I forgive all sins, so seek forgiveness from me and I will forgive you.

ÙŠÙŽŰ§ ŰčÙŰšÙŽŰ§ŰŻÙÙŠ Ű„ÙÙ†ÙŽÙ‘ÙƒÙÙ…Ù’ لَنْ ŰȘÙŽŰšÙ’Ù„ÙŰșÙÙˆŰ§ Ű¶ÙŽŰ±ÙÙ‘ÙŠ فَŰȘÙŽŰ¶ÙŰ±ÙÙ‘ÙˆÙ†ÙÙŠ وَلَنْ ŰȘÙŽŰšÙ’Ù„ÙŰșÙÙˆŰ§ نَفْŰčِي فَŰȘَنْفَŰčُونِي

O my servants, you will not be able to cause harm to me and you will not be able to cause benefit to me.


O my servants, were the first of you and the last of you, the human of you and the jinn of you, to become as pious as the most pious heart of anyone of you, that would not increase My kingdom in anything.


O my servants, were the first of you and the last of you, the human of you and the jinn of you, to be as wicked as the most wicked heart of anyone of you, that would not decrease My kingdom in anything.


O my servants, were the first of you and the last of you, the human of you and the jinn of you, to rise up in one place and make a request of me, and were I to give everyone what he requested, that would not decrease what I have any more than a needle would decrease the sea if put into it.


O my servants, it is only your deeds that I record for you and then recompense for you, so let him who finds good praise Allah and let him who finds other than that blame no one but himself."

Keep having faith, keep being strong, keep thanking Allah, keep trusting Him and most importantly; keep smiling :)

Sunday, 4 December 2016



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"Being born in an Asian society with disability has a stigma of its own and discrimination. This was the situation before Dear Diary was born.
After having struggled to live up to everyone's expectations, having adjusted to all kinds of situations environmentally and also the attitude of people taking me for granted, always keeping the disabled on the side, not including them in the community in any kind of decision making, is what gave birth to Dear Diary.

Down the line after 10 years I am glad that the way people look at me now is different from 10 years ago. Now I am considered part of the society. It wasn't easy to build a name to keep up to, the pace to keep a smile and keep going, but I have proved my stand. Today I am respected. People want to be associated with me. People want to support me in all that I do purely for humanity and this is a great achievement.

However there is still discrimination where marriage is concerned. People especially in the Asian society have a mindset that a person with disability should not fall in love or have a partner whereas the same disabled person can be part of everything else in the society.

So it makes me wonder why a man or a woman with disability in the Asian society or culture is considered to be not in need of love or to be loved by that special someone..." Nafisa Khanbhai

We have probably seen so many disabled people in our lives; on the streets, in our work places, in our homes and in our communities. As much as they could be outstanding, hardworking, beautiful, strong
there would always be a ‘but’ in the middle of the sentence.
“She is capable and talented to do the job, but she doesn’t have legs
“He has outstanding qualifications, but he is deaf
“She is beautiful, she would have made a wonderful wife and mother, but

The ‘buts’ could go on and on forever and this is because we no longer look at them as normal human beings as what we are. But this is the funny part of life right? Someone ‘normal’ could be so depressed, with so much on their plate, their hearts could be tearing apart, they can barely focus and think straight, yet we still give them the chance to work, to get married, to have a family and a social life, because ‘everyone deserves a chance to prove what they are really capable of.’ Then why can’t we offer the same opportunities to those who are disabled yet still can do what any other normal person can do?

I can’t totally deny that there are some disabled people who can’t do some things because it is simply beyond their power, beyond their abilities and capabilities but there are those who have stood out from the crowd. They are always there but they end up seating on the pavements of the road, begging. Sometimes it is because this is the easiest way out of their troubles but sometimes, they really have no other way except this. And this is because you have stigmatized them; we have.

Have you ever seen the fuss we make when someone gets married or marries a blind girl, or an albino, or a man with no legs, or a lady who is both deaf and dumb? We make it seem like they are aliens, they belong to a world that is close to ours but not exactly the same as ours. Why then don’t we exaggerate the same way when someone marries a totally distorted soul? A soul that is crying out for help? Is it because they are beautiful on the outside or that they are good at covering their pain with a lovely smile?

I am not saying that people with depression issues don’t deserve to be married or be employed or be happy in their lives because anyway, we are all victims of the pain in our hearts. We just endure it differently. But my point is, if we can accept ourselves with all our unseen imperfections and flaws, why then not accept those whose flaws are visible and can be seen?

Mrs Fatema narrates of how once a visitor came home and found Nafisa in a bad state and she quickly told her that maybe someone did some witchcraft or something of the sort to Nafisa. But Nafisa’s mother is a believer that God tests anyone in any way, and this was their test.

The stigma is there everywhere. People believing that disabled people are cursed or victims of witchcraft or a punishment from God etcetera etcetera so however much they may be friends with them or colleagues, there is still some tension in the air, a gap that is always there to differentiate them; ‘the normal people’ to him/her, ‘the disabled’. There is that fine unseen, yet felt line between these two kinds of people and perhaps this line will exist forever.

Go to supermarkets, Government buildings, malls, Company offices, hospitals, schools, how many actually have ‘disabled-friendly’ environments? Are there any wheelchairs, ramps, sign language translators, brail documents? Ask any disabled person how many times they had to cancel their plans because they can’t climb the stairs? Or that there is no one to communicate to with sign language? How many times have you seen a disabled person board a matatu? Have you seen how hectic it is for them? Are the conductors and drivers patient enough to let them board the vehicle and sit comfortably before rushing off? How many schools are there for the disabled? What is the condition of these schools? Most of the times, they are pathetic and sometimes teachers are the same ones who take advantage of the students’ conditions.

Why do we wait until we have become victims ourselves, or until we fall in love with one of them, or when one of our close friends or family members becomes a disabled, is when we decide to think rationally and humanly about them? These people are most often than not, around us or near us all the time. We just don’t see them or even look at them. We don’t try putting ourselves in their shoes. We never think of how that could be you or me someday. We forget that God has never stopped creating us and that we too could become handicapped at any moment in our lives. And I mean, ANY MOMENT. It could even be right now as you read this

I am not trying to curse you or anyone else. I am trying to remind you that God can twist your story whenever He wills. You just have to be humble to those less advantaged than you. Try helping out whenever you can to those disabled, even if it is just by granting them your true friendship, loyalty and companionship.

I am just trying to tell you that the next time you see a disabled person, treat them like how you would want someone else to treat you if you were wearing the same shoes...

To be continued...stay tuned :)