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Friday 10 November 2017


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Sometimes people wrong us in such despicable ways. Sometimes we are the ones who wrong people. Sometimes we are oppressed, we are discriminated and mistreated. Sometimes we are the ones carrying the baggage of harming others. Sometimes we lose everything at once, sometimes it is so hard, it is difficult to move on. Sometimes is sometimes our always; each one of us desperately trying to understand why things go the way they do. How villains are still walking free while some really good souls are the ones to be diagnosed with cancer. How very evil, ungrateful, arrogant people could be the ones enjoying luxurious lives while a very hardworking person suddenly loses his hand which he desperately needs for his manual labour. It doesn't make sense! It never does! How is it a very poor child loses their mother who was the only family they knew while an already rich boy wins a car he doesn't even need...How is it that one prays for a child for ten years yet when they finally get one, the wife dies at delivery??...and sometimes we just want to ask God, 'Why though?'
Only God knows...
Sometimes we realize how lucky we are for not getting what we cried for and sometimes we never get the answers. And sometimes it is as it is. We can never know. Difficult things happen. We lose and sometimes we gain. Sometimes people hurt us, they betray us, they take our differences to another level it shouldn't ever reach, they forget all the good and tough situations you went through together. Sometimes they realize they wronged us and apologize and sometimes they die believing what they did was right. That is the human being. He is insan. He forgets and he errs.
But we should always believe that there is a bigger picture. That as much as we don't understand what is going on in our lives or why it is going the way it is, we should have undoubted faith that God knows what's best for us. And this is actual test of faith; believing when it is hardest to do so.
We have proof in the qur'an that there's always something more to our painful and even happy stories. There is always something extra that our eyes will not simply see and our minds won't easily fathom.
In Surat Kahf, in the story of Nabii Musa aleyhi salaam when he was told to search for a servant of Allah who had more knowledge than him, we get to learn something very valuable. During their journey; Nabii Musa and his teacher, Al Khidhr, three occasions happen which agitated Nabii Musa aleyhi Salam:

71. So they both proceeded, till, when they embarked the ship, he (Khidr) scuttled it. Musa (Moses) said: "Have you scuttled it in order to drown its people? Verily, you have committed a thing "Imra" (a Munkar - evil, bad, dreadful thing)."
72. He (Khidr) said: "Did I not tell you, that you would not be able to have patience with me?"
73. [Musa (Moses)] said: "Call me not to account for what I forgot, and be not hard upon me for my affair (with you)."
74. Then they both proceeded, till they met a boy, he (Khidr) killed him. Musa (Moses) said: "Have you killed an innocent person who had killed none? Verily, you have committed a thing "Nukra" (a great Munkar - prohibited, evil, dreadful thing)!"
75. (Khidr) said: "Did I not tell you that you can have no patience with me?"
76. [Musa (Moses)] said: "If I ask you anything after this, keep me not in your company, you have received an excuse from me."
77. Then they both proceeded, till, when they came to the people of a town, they asked them for food, but they refused to entertain them. Then they found therein a wall about to collapse and he (Khidr) set it up straight. [Musa (Moses)] said: If you had wished, surely, you could have taken wages for it!"
78. (Khidr) said: "This is the parting between me and you, I will tell you the interpretation of (those) things over which you were unable to hold patience.
79. "As for the ship, it belonged to Masakin (poor people) working in the sea. So I wished to make a defective damage in it, as there was a king after them who seized every ship by force.
80. "And as for the boy, his parents were believers, and we feared lest he should oppress them by rebellion and disbelief.
81. "So we intended that their Lord should change him for them for one better in righteousness and near to mercy.
82. "And as for the wall, it belonged to two orphan boys in the town; and there was under it a treasure belonging to them; and their father was a righteous man, and your Lord intended that they should attain their age of full strength and take out their treasure as a mercy from your Lord. And I did it not of my own accord. That is the interpretation of those (things) over which you could not hold patience."
If we were to witness these same occasions ourselves, wouldn't we just react according to what is visible to the eye, as Nabii Musa did? If your boat was the one destroyed or your boy killed, how long would it take any of us to actually think that perhaps there is something greater, something bigger beyond what the mind comprehends? Were we the ones to be denied food, would we even want to smile at those people let alone build a random wall somewhere? If you just lost all your property in a fire and someone told you, 'Perhaps it is kheir' you would perhaps glare at them like they are the ones who set your property on fire. When misfortunes befall us we cry 'Why God?' yet we don't know how much good Allah is doing to us by that same terrible incident. We tend to only look at what is in front of us. But Allah is the Most Merciful and there are a lot of instances where we should thank Allah for despite how ugly the situation is. And indeed, this story is the perfect proof that we don't know everything. That however powerful, mighty, rich or knowledgeable we are, there are just some things we would never be able to explain or understand. That as much as we make plans, Allah has already written in detail how our lives are going to be. That we should always ask God to direct us to only what is kheir for us.
We may not have the answers but we need to trust Allah's wisdom and choices for us. May Allah grant us the patience and guide us always. Ameen.
We plan and Allah plans, and He is the Best of planners.
P.S Humble Reminder: Do read surat Kahf if you haven't. It still is Friday :)

“Do the  people  think  that  they  will  be  left  to  say:  We  believe,   and they will not be tried?  But We have  certainly  tried those  before  them, and  Allah  will  surely  make  evident   those  who  are  truthful,   and  He will  surely  make  evident   the  liars.”  (Qur'an, Surah Al-Ankabut, 29: 2-3)