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Photo Courtesy: Salem_Beliegraphy |
beyond all the misconceptions and wrongly added up assumptions about the street
children, commonly known as ‘chokoraa’, I clearly see what most people tend to
ignore. When we see that small girl or boy with torn and dirty clothes, shaggy
unkempt hair with a bottle of glue stuck between their teeth all we want to do
is walk furthest away from them. We see them like small devils ready to attack
yet we never took our time to get to know their deeper selves that is yearning
for love, care and understanding. They have so much pain hidden under all that
rebelliousness and violence that they show in first impressions.
with a non-governmental organization dealing with street children made me more
open minded than before and I couldn’t avoid getting so much affected
emotionally by their true selves. One of the incidents that I will never forget
is when I first had an introduction session with them and one of the older
street boys started with a short prayer. ‘Ewe Mungu tunakushukuru kwa kutuweka
hai tukaweza kuishi kuona krismasi hadi mwaka mpya. Ijapokuwa tumepitia mambo
magumu mengi na siku nyingine tumelala njaa lakini pia tunashukuru kwa maana
tunatambua kuwa kuna wale hawakuweza kuishi mpaka leo na washafariki.
Tunakushukuru Mungu baba kwa walimu uliotupa na tunamkaribisha mwalimu mpya
sana na tunampa heshima yake. Tunashukuru pia anatuchekea na hatuiti ‘chokoraa’
kama tunavyoitwa huko nje na watu wengine wote. Watu wengi hawatambui kuwa sisi
ni survivors and hatupendi kuitwa chokoraa kwani sisi pia ni binadamu kama
wengine. Mungu tunakushukuru kwa kila jambo ulotupa,amen.’
was filled with so many mixed emotions and I couldn’t stop to question myself,
how many of us have a much better life and yet can never stop a minute to make
a short prayer and thank God to be so much fortunate?? I blamed myself for some
time for also having a pre-assumed attitude and fear towards them. I realized
that from their stories, most are victims of circumstances whereby they had no
other option but run to the streets for survival. While some had to walk from
Nairobi to Mombasa in search of life, others ride under the buses for hours to
get to their destinations to date. One of the crippled boys who walks in
crutches used this method to get to Mombasa and we can all picture how tough
and rough it can be for a crippled to ride under the bus in an entire journey.
Some have been looking for their mothers over twenty years while others are
born just there in the streets. With all that, there come the government
officers who chase them out of the streets which are their only home, without
considering any way to help them out.
young girls are even more vulnerable to sexual harassment and misguidance in the
streets. They have a tougher time in the streets and they clearly talk of how
much they hate it when they ask for money in the streets from people and they
are abused and called names such as prostitutes.
one can deny that they can be violent and some are thieves and hard core
robbers, druggists and some rapists’ maybe but the fact is that these are
forgotten people of the community. They are so much yearning for help, care,
love and appreciation from the society. They need guidance and counselling so
that they can relieve their stress and get help to be better people.
is for this reason that I highly salute ‘Glads house Kenya’ an NGO which has
taken its time, energy and wealth to invest on the street children and have
successfully rehabilitated and reformed quite a number of street children and
led them into independency and into foster homes. Same to ‘Wema center’ and to
all the other charity centers who have golden hearts and risk their lives in
making other people’s lives be better. Kudos to you all!