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Sunday 18 January 2015



By: Lubnah Abdulhalim

Photo Courtesy:

A pretty woman I am,
I proudly boast to myself,
With my beautiful tattoo on my arm,
And my blond hair artificially fixed
I proudly walk on the streets.
My eyebrows are shaped
And my fabulous body is exposed.
The perfume on me is wafting all over
And all men’s eyes are on me.
Exactly what I want!
Everyone to admire this girl
To have everyone say hi to me,
And get several dates each week.
I don’t really understand myself,
Sometimes I claim to be a Muslim,
I get dressed up but with my hijab halfway
Oh! This is just a disturbance!
I decide to be a Christian,
I try to wear decently but I can’t,
I have to go to church with a micro mini.
Nothing of this fits me!
What makes me happy,
Is seeing myself in a tight jeans,
And a blouse to the belly button
With my fixed hair flying in the air,
And strong perfume smell coming from me.
But then I think well and hard,
I think none of this makes good sense,
All I get is a two day game with a guy,
And the next day I’m already dumped.
Worse of it all, I could myself in a fix,
Whereby a group of men could come and have me raped.
The tattoo and the fixed hair will send me to hell
Just like the shaped eyebrows and the perfume.
I think only my husband deserves to see my beauty,
For I can trust him without a say.
For everything that I’ve done,
I’ve always been the gossip of the town.
I don’t think that’s what a pretty woman deserves,
So the best thing is to be a reserved woman
because a pretty woman is, a reserved woman!