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Saturday 23 September 2017


It is 3:47 a.m. I am lying in a twist such that my upper body is facing a different direction from my lower part. Yogis would call that the supine twist. I am staring at the shadow of the circling fan on the right wall. I am gazing into the nothingness; blank space. It reminds me of my own brain; tabula rasa. A clean slate. Back to square one. I pick up my phone and reply some messages. In the morning, one would ask, 'But what keeps you awake at 3:47?' Uncertainty... This part of my life is called, uncertainty.
I have been here before; this uncertainty phase. It always finds a way to catch up with me. But maybe this is what makes my life interesting. The uncertainty. The not knowing of where you are headed to or even what you want. It reminds me of this famous gif on uncertainty. I smile.
My boss had said, 'We are caging this bird. We need to let her fly and grow her own wings' referring to me. This is the only permanent workplace I have worked for nine months. If it was a marriage, I would be having a baby. But I don't have a baby. It was a comfortable place, perhaps too comfortable for me to have any baby by the end of it all. Then the other day, just on an impulse, I walked in to my boss and said, "I feel confined. I need to grow." I am not good with confined spaces. Must be the claustrophobia. But I can't really say I just acted on a whim, I had thought about it for almost two months yet it still feels like a reckless move. My manager sat me down for that 'goodbye pep talk' and I asked, 'so how long do I have?' She said, 'One week.'
One week. I remember when it got to the seventh month, I thought to myself, ' I really doing this?'
'I have no plan.' I was talking to myself more than I was, to her.
'I absolutely have no plan.' And suddenly, I could feel the heat at the pit of my stomach. For the first time I was terrified of my action. How was I going to learn how to start flying within a week without leading myself to starvation? Uncertainty.

It is also just two days ago that I realized my side business was an NGO in disguise. We were doing charity instead of business. I need to go back to the drawing board...this means back to square one. Did I just throw away my last straw keeping me afloat on a stormy night? I curl up in my bed. Uncertainty.
A mentor recently told me, 'You are already successful, you just haven't realized it yet.' And I said, 'There's something i'm looking for that I haven't found. I don't know what it is but when I find it i'll recognize it. I still lack utmost satisfaction in me.' Then he said, 'That's where our different definitions of success comes in. Everyone has their own.'
I now lie flat staring at the ceiling. I am not sure whether I am abnormal, too ambitious or simply living an illusion.A friend told me, 'You can't just make an abrupt decision. You need a contingency plan.' But a contingency plan never existed in my dictionary. So ironic for an over-thinker I know but then not having a plan always pushed me to the edge. So the plan has always been 'not having a plan' and i'd just spend hours over-thinking my lack of a plan. Nonetheless, this made me explore all fields I could get myself into. It seems like an adventure and I love adventures. There's the thrill and excitement that comes with it every time I tried something new. It's terrifying. So terrifying. The uncertainty. Not knowing where life is pushing you into.
Sigh. Perhaps i'm in the wrong planet or perhaps i'm taking longer strides than my legs can stretch?
I have known failure far too many times to not know the feeling of uncertainty that comes with it. But I never regretted any impulsive action I ever took. Like the times I cancelled contracts just because my clients or bosses were crushing my self-esteem . Who does that really? But my peace of mind is my priority and I just decided i'll stick to that even when i'm starving to death. If you can trust me with your vision then you might as well trust my abilities. Or the times I started new courses without really thinking ahead or even whether I had the time and resources to do it. My best friend says I'm becoming a risk taker. Risk taker sounds good. I'll gladly take the title.
I'm uncertain of what i'm doing, or what I want or where i'm headed to. I just know I have big dreams and goals bigger than myself. I am back at the starting point and doing this all over again but what's the worse that could happen? Me staring at the ceiling at 3:47 a.m. Not so bad. This too shall pass.
I am still staring at the white ceiling and for a moment, I assume the wall is life. And I say, 'Surprise Me.' Life has never disappointed with surprises and the electric shocks that awaken us. But so does God. He never disappoints. My eyes are getting heavier now. I slowly drift back to slumber land. I still have one more week to plan my new adventure...
I still haven't found what i'm looking for...